Experiences of general practitioners, practice nurses, psychologists and patients with stepped collaborative care for depression: a focus group study in a large primary healthcare organization
Rationale, aims and objectives: Depression is a major and complex problem in primary care. Stepped Collaborative Care (SCC) models for depression have been developed to support primary care in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. This study aimed to compare barriers and facilitators experienced by general practitioners (GPs), practice nurses for psychosocial care, primary care psychologists and patients working with SCC for depression and to discuss possible solutions for barriers in daily practice.
Method: Conventional content analysis of focus group data. Nine mono-disciplinary focus groups including 16 general practitioners (GPs), 4 practice nurses, 6 psychologists and 23 patients.
Results: All 4 participant groups appeared to perceive a need for more skills, support and time for GPs to adequately assess symptoms and initiate psychosocial management accordingly. Psychologists often ignore a GP’s diagnosis. The GPs’ diagnostic uncertainty and their unfamiliarity with psychological therapies can result in inappropriate treatments, incorrect referrals and long waiting lists. To improve stepped collaborative care programs for psychosocial symptoms, improving initial symptom assessment by the GP, seems the most important aspect. All participants agreed that diagnostic tools/questionnaires should be used in primary care, but such activities should not be complicated and should not add to the GPs’ workload. Patients need more information to share decisions with their care providers.
Conclusion: There is a need for a diagnostic-therapeutic tool to support GPs in regulating the influx of patients in SCC models and enhancing the effect of SCC in daily practice in order to improve the person-centeredness and efficiency of primary healthcare.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v2i2.715
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