Patients’ attitudes and perceptions regarding person centered care: results of a survey from an urban city of Pakistan
Background: Doctor-Patient consultation models have evolved over time, but there is a need for a paradigm shift from a directive consultation style towards a non-directive, person-centered consultation style. The aim of this study was to identify patients’ attitudes and perceptions to a person-centered model of care.
Methods: A pilot cross-sectional study was conducted at a general outpatients department of a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, from September to November 2011. A total of 460 adult patients (>18 years and visiting the same doctor for more than one year) were consecutively approached. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to collect patient information. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 19 and multivariable logistic regression analysis.
Results: In total 424 participants were included in the final analysis. The majority of the patients were males (57.3%). Females preferred the person-centered care (PCC) model more (52.7 vs. 42.7%). The regression analysis showed that those participants who had 6 to 12 years of education preferred the PCC model more as compared to those with low educational status (AOR:0.08, 95% C.I: 0.06-3.0, p=<0.01). Other variables, such as being female, being less than 25 years old and being a student/housewife or being retired were statistically insignificant in the regression model.
Conclusion: The results of the current study indicate that females prefer the PCC model more. There is a need for more intensive research that can assist in improving access to person-centered care. To improve PCC in all patient-physician encounters, it is important to identify contextual factors that underlie differences in communication as a function of gender.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v3i1.870
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