Person-centered medicine from a complex adaptive systems perspective
Miles and Mezzich have proposed person-centered medicine as the way forward to overcome the rapidly escalating crisis of dehuminisation of medical care and the healthcare system at large. The crisis in medical care is caused by a Zeitgeist characterised by 2 themes – conquering disease and profit maximising activities. Overcoming this crisis requires a change of the prevailing worldview and its reductionist thinking about discrete diseases to a worldview that recognises the complexities arising from the interconnections and interdependencies between all facets of a person’s life – his health and illness and disease trajectories. As Kant said: each man has his particular way of being in good health.
This paper presents 5 themes that argue for a complexity based framework to achieve a person/patient-centered understanding of health and healthcare: (1) health, illness and disease are complex adaptive states that impact personhood; (2) healthcare must grow health; (3) healing results from personal sense-making and must be fostered; (4) complex adaptive systems thinking allows an exploration and understanding of personal and community health issues and (5) person/patient-centeredness results in an effective and efficient healthcare system.
A person/patient-centered focus, the person/patient at the centre of concern, will result in a seamlessly integrated healthcare system. Such a system will show great diversity between communities, each having emerged as a result of best adaptation to local circumstances. Such a system will have substantial benefits – for the person (in terms of staying healthy) / patient (in terms of regaining his health), the community and the economy.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v2i1.711
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