Response to Discussion Paper by Miles and Mezzich
“The way care is given can reach the most hidden places and give space for unexpected development”.
The quote above from Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern Hospice and Palliative Care movement, captures an important element of our response to the excellent discussion paper on person-centered medicine by Miles and Mezzich [2]. We agree wholeheartedly with their call for a person-centered medicine and would further highlight an additional possibility in their discussion which currently emphasizes conscious exchange of information between the persons giving and receiving care and shared decision-making.
Saunders, C. (1996). In: Mortally Wounded, Foreword by Kearney, M., p.14. New York: Scribner.
Miles, A. & Mezzich, J.E. (2011). The care of the patient and the soul of the clinic: person-centered medicine as an emergent model of modern clinical practice. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 1 (2) 207-222.
Hutchinson, T. A., Mount, B.M. & Kearney, M. (2011). The Healing Journey. In: Whole Person Care: A New Paradigm for the 21st Century. (Hutchinson, T. A. ed.), p 28. New York: Springer.
Mount, B.M. & Kearney, M. (2003). Healing and palliative care: charting our way forward. Palliative Medicine 17, 657-658.
Dobkin, P.L. & Hutchinson, T.A. (2010). Primary prevention for future doctors: promoting well-being in trainees. Medical Education Journal 44, 224-226.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v2i1.708
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