Evidence-based medicine offers an optimal starting point for person-centered medicine
In their discussion paper, Miles and Mezzich argue that evidence-based medicine (EBM) and patient-centered care have developed in parallel, but rarely have entered into exchange and dialogue. These authors emphasize the need for a rational form of integration to take part between EBM and patient-centered care. We agree wholeheartedly with the desirability of both dialogue and integration. The dialogue will be much less likely to be productive, however, when authors ignore or altogether misconstrue the evolution of evidence-based medicine and the recent work of EBM leaders. Statements claiming “a foundational irreconcilability between the fundamental principles of EBM and those of patient-centered care” are not likely to promote enthusiastic dialogue with the EBM community. In this commentary, we demonstrate that EBM has introduced and aggressively advocated for the integration of patient’s values and preferences in the process of clinical decision-making. Furthermore, EBM has highlighted the need for research into optimal ways of integrating patient values and preferences and, most recently, introduced and studied innovative ways of facilitating shared decision-making.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v2i1.707
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