Shared decision-making: merging evidence into patient- centered care
Miles and Mezzich argue for the coalescence of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and patient-centered care, citing many of the key protagonists that have argued for the central place of 'the patient' in the clinical process of care for almost a hundred years. Peabody, Engel, Levenstein and many more have put cogent cases forward, but very little seems to change. They see clinical practice as being too technical, too mechanistic, driven by impersonal protocols and guidelines. The person and his/her family become lost and confused among fragmented systems of care that fail to develop any semblance of relationship or continuity and where personal preferences get short shrift. The trend shows no sign of abating, as technological advances increase levels of specialisation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v2i1.693
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