Teaching and learning clinical decision-making for person-centered medicine: recommendations from a systematic review of the literature
Rationale, aims and objectives: Clinical decision-making (CDM) has been studied from diverse perspectives, including diagnostic cognition, clinical error and probabilistic modelling of patient management under uncertainty. This paper aims to establish the current knowledge base for CDM by systematic review, in order to produce recommendations for clinicians and clinical teachers.
Method: Biomedical, social science and education databases were searched. All English-language articles concerning CDM in medical education, from peer-reviewed academic journals, were included. Meeting abstracts were hand searched for relevance. 236 citation abstracts were kept for consideration, then themed for ease of analysis. Current thinking was reviewed and discussed, and key recommendations for teaching CDM were made for clinicians.
Results: The hypothetico-deductive cognitive method is criticised, as experts use little hypothesis testing. Clinical expertise is associated with better content-specific memory, consisting of encapsulated biomedical and clinical knowledge as goal-directed knowledge-structures (illness scripts). These are rich, accessible and activated intuitively (pattern recognition). Decision theory and Bayes’ theorem provide a mathematical rule for rationalising a hypothesis and decision analysis updates this for complex decisions. Clinicians should appreciate the nature and impact of cognitive errors on CDM and use cognitive forcing strategies to lessen them.
Conclusion: Analytical and non-analytical (intuitive) models of CDM are not mutually exclusive and dual-process or additive models of CDM account for this. Key recommendations for clinical teaching include development of knowledge encapsulations as individual constructs, combined learning of analytical and intuitive elements and reducing cognitive error by metacognition, forcing strategies and constructive feedback.References
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v1i1.641
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