“I am a whole person, not a diagnosis” - A mind-body intervention to improve the mental wellbeing of HIV-infected individuals in Denmark
Background: Depression is the most common mental health co-morbidity experienced by people living with HIV. We developed an intervention to improve mental health among HIV-infected individuals. The aim was to improve each person’s balance in life, making each person conscious about their own behavior and activating their own resources. The participant worked with their individual process within the group and practised techniques to address fear/stress management. Mental health improved overall and there was a significant decrease in depression. The effect was maintained at 12-months.This study aimed to gain insight into factors that mediated the effects observed.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with each participant at the end of the intervention. Digital audio-recordings of the 48 interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis.
Results: The following themes were identified as facilitators: Context, Participant, Coach, Intervention approach and Sense of Community. Three themes explained the experienced effect: Transformation, Internalized Stigma Changes and Integrity. We observed that fear no longer controlled the lives of the participants, as the individuals acquired new skills to handle disclosure and internalized stigma. Living with HIV became an integrated part of their life.
Conclusion: Interventions designed to practise and strengthen patients’ insight into the mental and physical contexts of their condition reduces depression, improves mental health and quality of life and should be offered in conjunction with HIV medication and be a fully integrated aspect of HIV care. Thus, treatment calls for a holistic and person-centered approach to patient care, acknowledging that viral suppression is not necessarily the ultimate goal of effective treatment.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v7i4.1780
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