Identifying barriers to the implementation of patient-reported outcome measures using a theory-based approach
Rationale, aims and objectives: Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are gaining increasing attention within mental healthcare, yet can be difficult to implement into routine practice. To increase uptake, it is recommended to explore the barriers to uptake guided by a theory base, with this information then used to design a tailored improvement strategy. The aim of this study was to explore the barriers to collecting and using a specific PROM within a single setting to inform the design of PROMs promotion strategies.
Methods: Staff perceptions of relative advantage and the compatibility with norms and complexity of using the Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS) in routine practice were explored through structured group discussions with mental healthcare teams within one Foundation Trust guided by diffusion of innovation theory.
Results: Respondents perceived some advantages to using SWEMWBS, notably patient involvement, but also highlighted the burden of paper-based data collection and the poor quality of feedback reports. There was also scepticism regarding the suitability of the tool, particularly for certain groups of patients and concerns regarding use of PROMs for performance management. Views were mixed regarding compatibility with existing norms.
Conclusions: To increase uptake, it is recommended that the positive perceptions of relative advantage, compatibility and ease of use identified in this study should be promoted, including through messages delivered by senior staff and tailored educational strategies. Negative (mis)perceptions should be similarly challenged and barriers around paper-based data collection and feedback reports systematically targeted.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v5i1.1202
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