Japanese psychiatric nurses’ attitudes toward Evidence-Based Practice: association with needs for learning psychoeducation practices.
Rationale, aims and objectives: To support patients with mental disorders to address appropriate symptom control and preventive measures against relapse, evidence-based practice (EBP), such as psychoeducation, is an important intervention while performing psychiatric pharmacotherapy. However, the use of EBP is likely to have remained passive, as it has been reported being disseminated and implemented slowly. This study explored a classification of psychiatric nurses’ attitudes toward EBP and examined the association between a classification of attitudes toward EBP and needs for learning psychoeducation practices in nursing professionals involved with psychiatric services, with the aim of providing a basis for the dissemination of psychoeducation.
Method: A mail questionnaire survey was conducted, involving a total of 194 nurses and assistant nurses working in 13 of the 42 psychiatric hospitals. Analysis was performed using the cluster analysis, chi-square test and one-way analysis of variance.
Results: The psychiatric nurses’ attitudes toward EBP were classified into 3 types: experience-oriented challenging, amotivational and rejective and conservative and obedient. Nurses showing amotivational and rejective attitudes accounted for the majority, while those showing experience-oriented challenging attitudes were more aware of the usefulness of psychoeducation and their levels of need for learning related practices were higher on comparison with the others.
Conclusions: In order to disseminate psychoeducation among psychiatric hospitals, it may be important to develop interest in psychoeducation, particularly that of nurses showing experience-oriented challenging or conservative and obedient attitudes, with co-operation from nursing managers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v4i2.1109
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