Objective:This studyaims to determinepatients’perceptions in relation to apharmacymobile application (‘app’) that comprises ofmultiple functions to improve convenience forpatients, enhancequality of care, changethewaytheymanagetheirdiseaseand provideasourceofmedical information.
Methods: A storyboard fortheintended mobile app was designed on Microsoft Powerpoint with six main functions:GettingAround, DrugCatalogue,QueueStatus, MyAccount, PharmacyClinic and Contact Us.It was shown to300 outpatients usingSamsungand iPad Tablets. Patients completed an interviewer-administered 13-item surveywhich asked about the respondents’demographics, theirmobile appusagepatternsand theirperceptions regardingtheintended mobile app and its functions.
Results:The smartphonepenetration rateamongtherespondents was high, with 274 (97.2%) respondents owningasmartphone and/ora Tablet.A total of248 (89.5%)respondents used mobile apps everydayand 267 (96.4%)ofthem were comfortablewith usingmobile apps. The majorityofrespondents (94%)indicated that theywould usetheproposed pharmacymobile app ifit was availablein themarket. All 6 functions werewell received with morethan 90% of respondents agreeingthat the functions wereuseful. Thetop 3 most popular functions wereSearch byDrug/Disease,Information Videoand OrderList(276 respondents for each function, 97.9%).
Conclusion:The majorityofrespondents wereopen tousingthemobile app. Most found the proposed functions useful. The results ofthis studywill be submitted to our hospital executives so that a development of this work and its relevance to person-centered healthcare can be formally considered.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v3i2.916
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