Rationale, aims and objectives: Patients with both cardiac disease and diabetes have poorer health outcomes than patients with only one chronic condition. While evidence indicates that internet based interventions may improve health outcomes for patients with a chronic disease, there is no literature on internet programs specific to cardiac patients with comorbid diabetes. Therefore this study aimed to develop a specific web-based program, then to explore patients’ perspectives on the usefulness of a new program.
Methods: The interpretive approach using semi-structured interviews on a purposive sample of eligible patients with type 2 diabetes and a cardiac condition in a metropolitan hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Thematic analysis was undertaken to describe the perceived usefulness of a newly developed Heart2heart webpage.
Results: Themes identified included confidence in hospital health professionals and reliance on doctors to manage conditions. Patients found the webpage useful for managing their conditions at home.
Conclusions: The new Heart2heart webpage provided a positive and useful resource. Further research on to determine the potential influence of this resource on patients’ self-management behaviours is paramount. Implications for practice include using multimedia strategies for providing information to patients’ comorbidities of cardiac disease and type 2 diabetes, and further development on enhancement of such strategies.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v3i2.907
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