Can a web-based tailored decision aid ‘stand alone’ for 65plus patients with localized prostate cancer?
Objectives: A pilot study was designed to examine the feasibility of a web-based DA and its included technology features, considering treatment choice for patients between 65 and 75 with localized prostate cancer.
Patients and method: Twenty-nine patients, that had already been treated for localized prostate cancer, participated at an oral survey with close-ended questions about their internet use, the barriers and opportunities when accessing a web-based DA, their impression on the use of incorporated technology features and their preference for the booklet or the online DA version. Data were analyzed using non-parametrical statistics.
Results: Participants with low internet use and without internet access at home preferred the booklet DA or a combination of both booklet as well as web-based format. Patient characterized as regular internet users with internet access at home preferred the web-based DA version and extensively used the tailoring component. The usage of other technology features such as value clarification tool and comparative tables was high while the use of the scientific information was limited.
Conclusion: An online DA is a useful tool in a decision making process for patients characterized as frequent internet users with internet access at home, also in an older patient population.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v2i4.841
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