The Opportunity Cost of Changing Clinical Practice in Anticipation of a Surge of Covid-19 patients – A Convergent Mixed Methods Study Protocol
Background: The rapid rise of COVID-19 infections has strained the capacity of healthcare systems worldwide. Many organizations are changing practice to make room for a surge in patients with COVID-19 infections. Cancelling and rescheduling elective procedures is one strategy advocated and used by many. This process may result in negative consequences for the patients who need procedures and have negative teaching and economic implications.
Rationale and Study Design: This convergent mixed-methods study includes analysis of surgical databases to evaluate differences in case-volume and case-mix before and after the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic (quantitative phase), prospective observational study of patients impacted by the delayed scheduling of surgical procedures (quantitative phase) and 1:1 semi-structured interviews with patients, physicians and administrators to understand the impact of operational changes as a result on COVID-19 infection on patient care, teaching and learning and fiscal outcomes.
Methods: The quantitative phase will consist of a review of the surgical database to quantify the differences in case-volume and case-mix during 2019 and 2020. In addition a prospective cohort of patients impacted by the delay in these procedures will be followed for 6 months to assess changes in patient important outcomes due to changes in scheduling procedures. The qualitative phase will consist of 1:1 semi-structured interviews to gain a depth of understanding of the trade-offs due to a change in practice related to COVID-19. The interviews will be analyzed using qualitative description.
Discussion: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused worldwide disruption in the practice of healthcare, current focus on increasing capacity in preparation for a COVID-19 surge may have unforeseen consequences for patients who need non-COVID-19 related care. Studying the impact prospectively will provide information on the trade-offs associated with change in healthcare priorities. These results may be helpful in informing optimal healthcare practices and resource allocation in the future.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v8i3.1793
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