Inequalities in access to health services faced by the population with hearing loss in Greece: a cross-sectional study
Background, aims and objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the perceived barriers in access to healthcare among the population with hearing loss in Greece (deaf and hard of hearing).
Methods: The sample consisted of 86 deaf and 54 hard of hearing adults that live in Attica. Core demographic data and information regarding participants’ access to health services was gathered using a self-completed structured questionnaire. Results: The 93% of deaf and the 77.8% of hard of hearing struggled to navigate the healthcare system and reported barriers in access to health services and unmet needs (p=0.009). There were difficulties in booking an appointment (p<0.001), lack of appropriate administrative means (e.g., booking via email) so as to book a visit without the mediation of another person (p<0.001), long waiting time (p=0.01) and intention to manage very consciously the limited benefits (regarding the free interpretation hours) that are entitlements (p<0.001). Regarding engagement with healthcare providers, poor adherence to medical instructions was revealed, as the 41.2% of deaf and the 60% of the hard of hearing did not adhere to the recommended medication, making a self-assessment that they did not need to do so (p=0.02). This minority population faces disproportionate difficulties in access to healthcare and therefore significant interventions to tackle these barriers need to be considered in order to create the person-centeredness of their care.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v7i2.1721
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