Why does the patient not show up? Clinical case studies in a Danish migrant health clinic
Purpose: This study explores the perspectives of both patients with an ethnic minority background and health professionals on missed appointments in a Danish migrant health clinic.
Study design: A clinical case study involving patients and health professionals. Since the patients represent a vulnerable group, who are difficult to reach, health professionals were included in the study. This aids the study by making sure to cover different perspectives.
Methods: Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted. In total, 6 patients and 6 health professionals, comprising one social worker, 2 nurses and 3 doctors, agreed to participate. Transcripts were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
Results: Patients, who missed appointments, appeared to have poor mental health, limited financial resources, transport expenses and language barriers. Patients’ physical and mental health affects their everyday lives and hinders them from keeping their scheduled appointments.
Conclusion: These results may help health professionals provide a more person-centered care and to improve approaches and interventions aimed at reducing the number of patients missing appointments. This study identified barriers to keeping appointments and emphasizes that the reasons behind missed appointments at the clinic are complex and require a creative and holistic approach from health professionals.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v7i2.1672
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