Healthier workplace promotion: medical check-ups for hospital workers
Rationale, aims and objectives: Healthier patients require healthier staff and healthier institutions. As a member of the Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) Network, we focused on the 4th standard of HPH implementation (Promoting a Healthier Workplace) by developing a program of systematic medical check-ups for all employees. The objectives are: (1) to systematically evaluate hospital worker’s health and according to the results and (2) to improve and promote healthier workplace conditions.
Method: Age- and gender-specific systematic medical check-ups for the hospital workers.
Results: Out of 1340 workers (1018 medical), 834 (64.5%) expressed initial interest to participate and 658 (49.1%, proportionally medical and non-medical) finally completed the program. Arterial hypertension was the predominant existing medical condition (48.8%). At least one new condition (mainly dyslipidemia, 31.2%), was detected in 347 participants (52.7%). Among 18 (2.7%) participants with newly diagnosed tumors, 3 had malignancies (0.5%). In a multivariate analysis, the risk of detecting a new medical condition was lower in medical (vs. non-medical) staff (RR=0.79, 95% CI 0.68-0.91) and in those with at least one known medical condition (vs. none) (RR=0.86, 95% CI 0.74-0.99). Several actions followed: (a) new individual preventive (hypolipemic diet to 293 participants, 44.5%; tighter blood pressure control to 74 participants, 11.2%) and therapeutic (73 participants, 11.1%) measures were prescribed; (b) dietary educational material was disseminated; (c) hospital menus were changed in line with the detected major cardiovascular risk factors and (d) a standardized template for future check-ups was developed.
Conclusion: This program has the potential to be introduced as a new indicator of the 4th standard for heathier workplace promotion in a hospital setting.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v7i2.1638
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