Development of a patient decision aid template for use in different clinical settings
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop and test a patient decision aid (PtDA) template that could be adapted to different clinical encounters.
Methods: A systematic development process guided by the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) model was adopted and a collaboration with a design school was established. Scope and purpose of prototypes were defined, steering groups were established and a PtDA template was designed. Alpha testing was conducted by structured interviews with patients and healthcare professionals.
Results: In the alpha test, 39 patients and 24 healthcare professionals participated. Patients and healthcare professionals rated the PtDA highly for usability and acceptability and the PtDAs were found suitable for preparing patients to make preference-sensitive decisions. Qualitative findings were used to refine the PtDA.
Conclusion: Using a systematic process and high user involvement we developed a PtDA template and 2 prototypes that meet the IPDAS criteria. Testing of the PtDA prototypes showed that the template can be adapted to other clinical settings without affecting the quality of the PtDA. The PtDA template will be made available in a web-based “build-your-own-PtDA” software platform, making development of PtDAs more accessible for all healthcare professionals.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v7i1.1588
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