Evaluating the psychometric properties of the Spanish Version of the SF-12v2 in Hispanics with type 2 diabetes and their family members
Background: The SF-12 has been used to measure health-related quality of life in populations with various health conditions. However, few studies have examined the conceptual equivalence and psychometric properties of the SF-12 in Hispanics. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the SF-12v2® in Hispanics with type 2 diabetes and their family members.
Methods: Data were collected as part of an intervention study for Hispanics with type 2 diabetes and their family members. Participants (N=182) were recruited from clinics and communities in the Southeastern U.S. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews. Reliability and validity were assessed using composite reliability, principal components analysis and known-groups comparisons.
Results: The reliability of the physical and mental component summaries was adequate. Known-groups comparisons revealed lower average health-related quality of life for every subscale of the Spanish version of SF-12v2® as well as for the 2 component summaries. Factorial validity was supported for the 8 subscale structure but less so for the 2 component summaries.
Conclusion: The Spanish version of the SF-12v2® showed good reliability and validity. Healthcare providers can use the SF-12v2® to measure health-related quality of life in Hispanics with type 2 diabetes and their family members.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v6i4.1553
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