The ontology of person-centered healthcare: Theoretical essentials to reground medicine within its humanistic framework - Part II - Nascent time and space: rooted functioning
This article presents further considerations of the inside-outside communication of human beings. The concept of a rooted time and space, introduced in the previous article (see below), is applied to conceptualise a basic structure that, in being centric itself, transforms incoming processes to be contained in centric sub-structures. These are described through a discussion of their main function of a ‘lock’ provided for ‘keys’ that may fit, or not fit. As finite structures, they also impose at least transient finitude on the incoming processes and manage to decelerate them. The slowing down allows comparative procedures to take place. If the processing of the incoming processes is not stopped, they will interact with inside processes to be continued in an altered way. Following an introduction of the concept of nascent time and space, as well as the concept of a logical lock, we define the intermediating structure responsible for providing the logical locks as active within an orientation matrix. Finally, we discuss the form in which this orientation matrix is applied to both construe and also embody coherent verbal and symbolising utterances such as words.
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Fröhlich, T., Bevier, F.F., Babakhani, A., Chisholm, H.H., Henningsen, P., Miall, D.S., Sandberg, S. & Schmitt, A. (2016). Updating the descriptive biopsychosocial approach to fit into a formal person-centered dynamic coherence model. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 4 (3) 545-547.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v6i1.1376
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