Development of a Care Coordinator Performance Measurement Tool for Indonesian Family Physicians
Background, aims and objectives: One of the roles of a family physician is as a care coordinator. This study aimed to develop a care coordinator measurement tool for family physicians in Indonesia. The instrument development method was conducted using Expert Judgement, the Delphi Technique and Factor Analysis. Thirteen themes relevant to the work of a care coordinator were obtained from 19 experts. Eighty-eight items were drafted from thematic definition and a literature search. Fifty-four items were selected through 2 rounds of Delphi Technique. No significant characteristic difference were found in both Delphi samples. The items considered very relevant to the work of a care coordinator (Likert scale 8-9) from more than 75% respondents were selected for factor analysis. A factor analysis was conducted on 249 samples. It showed an adequate number of samples and correlation for all items (KMO of Sampling 0.936 and Bartlett’s Test < 0.001). Eleven factors were derived from the results of eigenvalue > 1. Thirty-three items were filtered after determined loading factor > 0.4. Cronbach's alpha for each factor varied from 0.7-0.91. Cronbach's alpha for a total of 33 items was 0.94 with total variation documented as high as 77%.
Conclusion: A valid and reliable care coordinator measurement tool for Indonesian Family Physicians has been developed, consisting of 11 factors and 33 items.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v5i3.1312
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