Developing an integrated educational simulation model by considering art approach: Teaching Empathic Communication skills
Introduction: Simulation plays an important role in integrated learning of communication skills. Communication skills are known as the heart and art of medicine. Although, designing high-impact learning experiences in simulated environments are essential elements in the process of communication training, it has encountered some challenges. Art-based education by providing ‘simulation’ of the wider experience of life as well as making creative thinking in medical students can help to overcome these issues. This article aims to develop a new model of simulation for communication skills education, the Integrated Model for Communication Skills (IMCS), by integrating the essential features of simulation and art.
Materials and Methods: A review was done on the current literature of medical education, simulation model and main framework of art approach. Then, an expert panel by the use of nominal group technique (NGT) was held with medical education experts in Iran and Sweden to design, select an appropriate simulation model and approve the final model (IMCS) following some modifications.
Results: IMCS is an integrated model in 3 concepts of Jeffries simulation model based on art approaches: simulation design, simulation intervention and outcome. The model used activity theory and transformative learning theory to foster outcomes of skill-based and emotional-based communication skills.
Conclusion: Arts strategies could be incorporated into the simulation model. The IMCS has the potential to promote emotional and technical aspects of communication skills to make the healthcare providers as competent communicators.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v5i1.1299
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