Patient perspectives of an individualized diabetes care management plan
Purpose: This cross sectional study examines patients’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about a diabetic care management plan (DCMP) that was developed to provide patient education on diabetes guidelines and display individual diabetic core measures. Secondary objectives included a comparison of diabetic core measures [hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and urine microalbumin (Um)] before and after DCMP implementation. We hypothesize this tool will contribute to patients’ awareness of current disease status, diabetes knowledge and diabetic core value improvement over time.
Methods: A consecutive sample of 102 adult patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in a primary care setting participated. Patients’ perspectives on the care plan and knowledge about diabetes was collected via survey after care plan implementation. A comparison of selected diabetic core measures was conducted at baseline and post-DCMP. Descriptive statistics summarized survey response and diabetic core measures. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to assess change in diabetic core measures over time.
Results: Participants understood the DCMP (96%), found it important because it explained their laboratory results and medications (89%) and believed it would help them to have better diabetic control (99%). There was a significant interaction between time and being at goal pre-DCMP for HbA1c, SBP and LDL. Patients not at goal pre-DCMP for the above measures decreased significantly over time (P = <0.01 for HbA1c, SBP and LDL). Participants at goal for all diabetic core measures increased pre- to post-DCMP from 13% to 20% (P = 0.28).
Conclusion: Patients perceived the diabetic care management plan favorably and their diabetic core measurements improved over time. This simple and reproducible self-management intervention can enhance self-management in a patient population with diabetes mellitus type 2.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v5i2.1292
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