The Meikirch Model as a Conceptual Framework for Person Centered Healthcare
Person Centered Healthcare focuses on re-personalization of health services, on re-sensitization of medicine to fundamental notions of compassion and care and on re-inculcation in clinicians of an ambition to treat patients as persons. The Meikirch model is a new definition of health that aims to transform thinking about health from an undetermined and ill-defined notion to a concept with a well-defined structure. It contains 5 components and 10 complex interactions that in health must function in such a way that the biologically given potential (BGP) and the personally acquired potential (PAP) of a person together respond satisfactorily to his or her demands of life. An unsatisfactory response leads to disease. When comparing person-centered healthcare with the Meikirch model the question arises whether or not the 2 ways of thinking are compatible and complement each other. Analysis of details suggests a full agreement between the 2, yet the final answer to this question must be given by the European Society for Person Centered Healthcare.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v5i2.1284
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