Updating the descriptive biopsychosocial approach to fit into a formal person-centered dynamic coherence model - Part III: Personhood, salutogenesis and further topics
In the present paper the approach, as outlined in our previous articles, is applied to a range of subjects. Its main goal is to understand how human specifics such as use of language, cultural creativity, rational thinking and the use of abstractive terms interfere with human beings basic organic processes. This necessitates an examination at the level of semantics. The latter is referred to as the relationship of produced states to a meaning so that from a sender’s side they are meant to transport meaning from a receiver. Since an interaction of two distinct entities is at issue here, we have to describe the interaction in formal terms, so we talk about the hypostasising of a triggering contact of one entity’s change of states initiating a change of states of another entity. This contact can be accepted as a trigger or not as a trigger, a decision that corresponds to the most primitive form of (possibly also mutual) interpretation. With this model in mind, we can interpret different communicative settings, as the monomeric self-efficacy interpretation, or mutual interpretations in families. To interpret needs a physically memorised categorisation. Only this allows for fast and set-related attributions. Such categorisations can go wrong, especially in fast changing environments. If a higher resolution is needed, additional distinctions are implemented into the heuristic interpretative procedures. Human beings have additional tools for higher resolution in differentiation: practical segmentation and speaking. Afterwards, the products of material and logical discretisation may be re-combined into a new arrangement. The corresponding accessory potential helps to generate a world of its own, as a full-grown personhood. Human uniqueness hence is based on the individuality of each person’s material basis, as well as on its individual type of differentiation and corresponding attribution. Being aware of this, the also mental individuality allows to understand self-interpretative processes that support salutogenesis and an experience of being self-efficient, or not.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v4i3.1214
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