Interdisciplinary work satisfaction at a multidisciplinary fast track oncology clinic
Introduction: Work satisfaction experiencedby physiciansand nursescorrelatespositively with patientsatisfaction.There appear to be nostudies thatfocus onthesatisfactionofphysicians andnurses working togetherwithin a multidisciplinary cancer team. Our aim wastoevaluate the experiences and differences in work satisfactionofthemedical specialists, residentsand nursesat a fast track clinic (FTC) for patients with gastrointestinal malignancies.
Methods: A novel questionnaire wasdeveloped basedon structured interviews. Thequestionnairewas sentto all physiciansand nurses (n=77)who worked atthe FTC. Answers weregiven on a5-pointLikertscale.Datawereanalysed using non-parametric tests.
Results: The questionnairewas answered by 73respondents (95%overallresponserate).Overallsatisfactionwith the working conditions of our fasttrackoutpatientclinic was high for allgroups, although residents reported a higher emotional strain than specialists. Theimportanceofa multidisciplinary one day diagnosticsoutpatientclinicwas invariably ratedas high to very high byall.
Conclusion: Working in a multidisciplinary patient-centredfasttrackoutpatientclinic forgastrointestinalmalignancies wasconsidered an important addition to modern healthcare according to theinvolved physicians andnurses.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v5i1.1204
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