A new framework for medicine: the somatosemiotic approach
Rationale, aims and objective: Even though the biopsychosocial model is the prevailing framework in modern medicine, it should be abolished due to insufficient explanation of the patients’ reality. The aim of this study is to develop a new and improved framework in medicine.
Method: Clinical examples and abductive reasoning.
Results: Patients’ reality within the prevailing medical framework were successfully deconstructed through the use of 6 clinical examples.
Discussion: Based on the common denominator of the 6 cases, a new framework for medicine is outlined, the somatosemiotic model. This framework takes into account the immense complexity of humans, both as individuals and as interacting agents in Society. Consequently, the understanding, assessment and addressing of a unique individual’s condition(s) must shift.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v5i1.1195
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