Psychometric analysis of the EORTC QLQ-INFO25 questionnaire in renal transplant patients
Rationale, aims and objectives: To analyse the psychometric properties of the information module (QLQ-INFO25) in kidney transplant patients and to assess differences in sociodemographic variables with patients’ perception of the information received.
Methods: Kidney transplant patients were evaluated at one year after transplantation using the EORTIC QLQ-INFO25. Participants completed the information module created for cancer patients (QLQ-INFO25) to assess the information received from the diagnosis of kidney disease through increasing severity to replacement therapy as transplant. Exploratory factor analysis by principal components was conducted in order to assess QLQ-INFO25’s psychometric properties. Differences in QLQ-INFO25 scores depending on patients’ socio-demographic characteristics were compared using student’s t-test and one-way analysis of variance.
Results: The QLQ-INFO25 demonstrated strong psychometric properties form the assessment of the information needs of kidney transplant patients (Conbrach’s α = 0.91). The dimensions were organised into three scales: (i) information about medical tests and treatment; (ii) information about the disease from diagnosis to replacement therapy and (iii) aspects of health-related quality of life in end stage renal disease (ESRD). The majority of the patients (65.3%) were very satisfied with the information received, but women were less satisfied than men (p< 0). Overall, the information received proved helpful for 69.5% of the patients.
Conclusions: Although QLQ-INFO25 showed good psychometric properties in kidney transplant patients, specific instruments to evaluate patients’ perception of information received during different phases of ESRD will be necessary to improve patients’ self-care.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v4i4.1163
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