Notions of clinical excellence in hospital medicine: a brief reflection on specific case studies
Background: The individuals who are being admitted to our hospitals are generally sicker and more medically complex than ever before. These patients rely on highly skilled healthcare providers for this acute medical care, yet clinical excellence in hospital medicine has not been well described in the literature.
Objective: The intention of this manuscript is to highlight examples of clinical excellence in hospital medicine, from published literature, as they relate to the definition formulated by the Miller-Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence.
Results: Exemplary case reports and research studies in hospital medicine were identified to describe each of the domains of excellence: communication and interpersonal skills, professionalism and humanism, diagnostic acumen, skillful negotiation of the healthcare system, knowledge and having scholarly approach to clinical practice.
Conclusion: Applying the definition of clinical excellence to hospital medicine can establish the standards for which physicians and trainees might aspire. Reflecting upon the efforts of commendable role models and praiseworthy teams in hospital medicine, may allow us all to improve along the continuum towards clinical mastery.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v4i3.1151
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