Towards person-centered healthcare via realistic evidence-based medicine – informing the debate historically
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Our argument is based on extensive PhD research by Timo Bolt. See his forthcoming book: Bolt, T. (2015). A Doctor’s Order: The Dutch Case of Evidence-Based Medicine (1970-2015). Antwerp & Apeldoorn: Garant.
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Edwards, M. (2007). Control and the Therapeutic Trial. Rhetoric and Experimentation in Britain, 1914-1948. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi.
This was explicitly and elaborately argued by Chalmers at the short (summer) course ‘History and Philosophy of Evidence-Based Healthcare’, which was organized by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and Oxford University in July 2012. Chalmers was one of the tutors of this course, TB was one of the participants. See on this course: http://www.conted.ox.ac.uk/B900-77
Miles, A. & Asbridge, J. (2014). The European Society for Person Centered Healthcare (ESPCH) – raising the bar of health care quality in the Century of the Patient. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20, 729-733.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v3i3.1071
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